Robots Run The Farm is a royalty-free suspenseful music track from SLOave.
This is an upbeat 120 BPM (Beats Per Minute) electronic, futuristic tune with a twang.
Format: MP3 | BPM: 120 | Length: 3:08 | Bitrate: 192 kbps
Robots Run The Farm is available as a direct download.
Those background beeps and “thanks” voices you hear in the demo are audio watermarks. These audio disturbances do not exist in the file you will download – so no worries.
This is a copyrighted, royalty-free music track which means that once you download the song to your own device, you can use this for all kinds of interesting projects or public Events at any time, anywhere – forever.
We produce royalty-free music so that other independent creators can have access to it when they need it.
LICENSE Robots Run The Farm here.
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